New York
New York
New York, NY 10013
(888) 847-4869
The world's greatest city now has the most connected online community! As everyone who lives here knows, it is the people who make this city great. And our site allows you to connect with and learn from these people in amazing ways. Think of as New York City on the Internet, but vastly more efficient. For example, when browsing our site if you find someone who really seems to know restaurants, make them a connection and the next time they find the next big thing you'll be the first to know. Or subscribe to one of our bloggers' RSS feeds and get instant updates on their posts. If you personally have strong feelings about a particular business, restaurant, service, event, etc., write a post and see how others respond. You can even tag all these things with clever keywords to draw attention to them. You already know that New Yorkers love to talk. But unless you live here, you might not know that they love to help others and share their suggestions, thoughts, and pet peeves as well.
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